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Why and How Does Racism Still Exist

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The Indoctrination of the American Youth by the Public School System

I Haven’t Always Been a Conservative I haven’t always been a conservative. I haven’t always been a free thinker or a critical thinker. Like many younger kids I believed what my teachers told me and went along with many of the views of my peers and the older members of my family. My teachers would tell us about the feminine struggles, the struggles of minorities, and how Islam is a misunderstood, peace promoting religion. We would learn about the struggles of immigrants coming into the United States and how it was a hard and sometimes impossible process so, many families would resort to crossing the border illegally. We would be told how socialist revolutionaries would overthrow oppressive capitalist dictators. It was a lot of the typical stuff taught by the public school system teachers, and I believed it because they were my teachers. My peers were educated by the same teachers so they held the same liberal and socialist political views. My older cousins, whom I look up to, went